State of Replay: After Action Assessment
In the election's aftermath, many fascinating and detailed analysis are emerging. With the adrenal rush of the election fading, I want to...
Putin’s Offramp
2022/05/24 With the military operation floundering, international diplomatic and economic backlash, and Sweden and Finland decided to...
Enough Data, Not Enough Model
I predicted a VP Leni victory because I followed the data. While we had plenty of social media data, we also knew of many off-model...
And the winner is...
May 9, 2022, 8:04 AM. (Date updated from March because of typo) For the Philippines national election, AutoPolitic predicts, based on our...
State of Play: A Pompous Ass Calls the Election
“Victory has a thousand fathers, but defeat is an orphan.” -John F. Kennedy Let me save you time. I, on behalf of AutoPolitic, am...