State of Replay: After Action Assessment
In the election's aftermath, many fascinating and detailed analysis are emerging. With the adrenal rush of the election fading, I want to...

Putin’s Offramp
2022/05/24 With the military operation floundering, international diplomatic and economic backlash, and Sweden and Finland decided to...

Enough Data, Not Enough Model
I predicted a VP Leni victory because I followed the data. While we had plenty of social media data, we also knew of many off-model...
And the winner is...
May 9, 2022, 8:04 AM. (Date updated from March because of typo) For the Philippines national election, AutoPolitic predicts, based on our...

State of Play: A Pompous Ass Calls the Election
“Victory has a thousand fathers, but defeat is an orphan.” -John F. Kennedy Let me save you time. I, on behalf of AutoPolitic, am...

Only The Free Can Laugh
And how can man die better Than facing fearful odds, For the ashes of his fathers, And the temples of his gods. “ ― Thomas Babington...

State of Play: Merger and Acquisition
The recent Pink Surge is peaking and the timing is very propitious. With Ferdinand Marcos Jr (BBM) absent from the debates, and using the...

Premortem on Ambitions
While I consider it a hubris by the survey firms to declare winners before votes are cast, I want to pronounce three campaign dead, in an...

The Ghost at the Debate (The 12 hour aftermath)
CAVEAT: This analysis is generated immediately after the debate using real-time data, and we will followup with longitudinal graphic and...

Storm on the Horizon or a Pink Mirage
Publicus Asia’s latest poll suggests BBM Is still ahead by 34 percentage points over VP Leni. Their survey covered 1,500 respondents in...