Philippine Senator Social Capital Index (April 2021)
AutoPolitic provides candidate evaluation campaign path to victory planning campaign management training and service campaign strategy...
Philippine Senator Social Capital Index (March 2021)
AutoPolitic provides candidate evaluation campaign path to victory planning campaign management training and service campaign strategy...
Behavioral data contradict Pulse Asia’s polling of PRRD’s 91% approval rating.
Behavioral data contradict Pulse Asia’s polling of PRRD’s 91% approval rating. A year ago, when the Philippines economy was vibrant,...
The map of a movement, the shape of a spasm.
A persistent challenge to a campaign is to tell a real threat from a feint. While it was difficult to do so promptly in the traditional...
Mistaking a Fountain for a Tsunami. GE14 Aftermath
As the former Prime Minister Najib’s trial begin to take shape, those stars closest in his orbit has begun to decay. Relatives are...
Is the Voice of the People the Will of the People? The Philippines Constitutional Reform Campaign
“I would not look to the U.S. Constitution if I were drafting a constitution in 2012.” -Ruth Bader Ginsburg “The Notorious RBG”,American...
Losing the Malaysia GE14 by Hope
A benefit of the incumbency not enjoyed by the America Presidents is the power to choose when an election occurs. In a parliamentary...